2020년 졸업 프로젝트

2021-01-08 15:10
♦ 소프트웨어전문가과정
NO. 발표자 발표주제
1 김정원 IT infrastructure abnormal detection model based on the access log data of web server
2 김탁희 Natural Language Understanding of Clinical Trials Chatbot using Joint KoBERT
3 배민지 Efficient Compilation Error Localization with DNN
4 범준석 Code & Requirement-based Test Case Prioritization using Machine Learning
5 송기혁 Synchronization Playback of Adaptive Streaming on Multiple Clients using ML
6 신준규 Efficient Service Migration Using Reinforcement Learning in Multi-user Edge Clouds
7 양기호 Speech synthesis TTS solution expressing emotions using emotion classification
8 원대연 CRPT: Contrastive Representations Pre-Training for Enhanced Discharge Summary BERT
9 이승현 Viral Pick, NAVER 스마트 스토어 셀러를 위한 빅데이터 분석 서비스
10 장진행 Comparative study on intelligent controllers for switch-mode power converter
11 정대욱 Design of Reinforcement Learning-Based Scheduler for Efficient Web Crawling
12 조은옥 DVFS Management for embedded mobile system with Polynomial regression
13 최예람 An Effective Bug Triage using BERT based Classification Model
14 한성일 Microservice-based Platform Design to Increase the Efficiency of Cobot Programming
♦ LG전자소프트웨어석사과정
NO. 발표자 발표주제
1 계성혁 Network IDS plug-in on 100Gbps Open-source FPGA NIC
2 양동현 Dynamic Load Balancing Framework Implementation Targeting Deep Learning App using OpenCL to Avoid Existing App Performance Degration on ARM-based SoC
3 정연지 Explaining CNN and RNN Using Selective Layer-wise Relevance Propagation
전체 17
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 추천 조회
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